The project “Mouth-CTRL” has been developed for the Science Gallery London together with Francesca Perona.
Thanks to two co-creative workshops putting together the perspectives of a physically impaired people community in south London and teenagers coming from socially deprived areas, we realised two interactive installations aiming to break down the boundaries and redesigning the use of the mouth in the future. The first installation was about controlling a video game (Pong) through the mouth competing with players using hand controllers and the second were lollipops through which was possible to hear music thanks to the bone sound conductivity.
Jewellery maker Nuala Clooney collaborated at the project realising concept jewels of futuristic mouth phones. The composer, musician and neuroscientist, Shama Raman composed music for the installation allowing to collect datas about how the perception of lollypops taste was changing in relation to music.
Il progetto "Mouth-CTRL" è stato sviluppato per la Science Gallery di Londra insieme a Francesca Perona.
Grazie a due workshop co-creativi che mettono insieme le prospettive di una comunità di persone con disabilità fisiche nel sud di Londra e adolescenti provenienti da aree socialmente svantaggiate, abbiamo realizzato due installazioni interattive per abbattere i confini e ridisegnare l'uso della bocca in futuro. La prima installazione riguardava un videogioco (Pong) attraverso la bocca in competizione con i giocatori che utilizzavano i controller a mano, la seconda erano lecca-lecca attraverso i quali era possibile ascoltare musica grazie alla conduttività del suono osseo.
La gioielleria Nuala Clooney ha collaborato al progetto realizzando concept gioielli di telefoni a bocca futuristici. Il compositore, musicista e neuroscienziato, Shama Raman, ha composto musica per l'installazione che permette di raccogliere dati su come la percezione del gusto del lecca-lecca stava cambiando in relazione alla musica.
The national UK TV channel ITV featured our work
Bone-conductive music jewelry device designed by Nuala Clooney
Bone-conductive music jewelry device designed by Nuala Clooney
Bone-conductive music jewelry device designed by Nuala Clooney
Co-creative workshop with general public
Quick prototyping during the workshop
Videogame controller
Co-creative workshop with general public
Prototyping videogame mouth controller
Prototyping bone-conductive lollipop
Ideation outcome
Videogame controller
Prototyping bone-conductive lollipop
Bone-conductive lollipops
Bone-conductive device
HANDS vs MOUTH score board
Me and a guest playing - HANDS vs MOUTH
Sound insulating cocoon with headphones
A guest trying the taste of music in our cocoon with sound-isolating headphones for an immersive experience
A guest trying the taste of music in our cocoon with sound-isolating headphones for an immersive experience