(online OR on-line OR “on line” OR digital) AND (platform* OR network*) AND (waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) (online OR on-line OR “on line” OR digital) AND (platform* OR network*) AND (waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) AND (exchange OR market OR marketplace* OR “market place*” OR market-place*) (online OR on-line OR “on line” OR digital) AND (platform* OR network*) AND (organic OR “organic waste*” OR waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) AND (exchange OR market OR marketplace* OR “market place*” OR market-place*) “Industrial symbiosis” “Industrial symbiosis” AND “Industrial ecology” “Industrial symbiosis” AND “Industrial ecology” AND “industrial park*” “Industrial symbiosis” AND material* “Industrial symbiosis” material* AND “material* exchange*” AND “(waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) exchange” “Industrial symbiosis” AND “organic material* exchange*” AND “(organic OR “organic waste*” waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) exchange” “Industrial symbiosis” “organic material* exchange*” AND “(organic OR “organic waste*” waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) exchange” AND “material* flow analysis” ”material driven design” “material experience” ”material driven design” AND “material experience” (waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) AND design (waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) AND design AND material* AND “organic material*” (waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) AND design AND “organic material*” (waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) AND ”product* design” (waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) AND ”product* design” AND material* (waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) AND ”product* design” AND material* AND “organic material*” ”circular economy” ”circular economy” AND “material*” ”circular economy” AND “organic material*” ”circular economy” AND “material*” AND design ”circular economy” AND upcycling upcycling upcycling AND “material*” upcycling AND “organic material*” ”circular economy” AND upcycling AND design AND ”product* design” ”circular economy” AND “Industrial symbiosis” ”circular economy” AND “Industrial symbiosis” AND “(waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) exchange” ”circular economy” AND “Industrial symbiosis” AND “(organic OR “organic waste*” waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) exchange” ”circular economy” AND “Industrial symbiosis” AND “(organic OR “organic waste*” waste* OR by-product* OR byproduct* OR “by product*”) exchange” AND “material* flow analysis”